Refund policy

What is your refund policy?

We have a transparent refund policy. You may request refund in the following cases:

1. The order was not delivered within 24 hours
2. The product is not working

In order to avoid false expectations, please read the product description before making a purchase.

You are not eligible for refund in the following cases:

1. We made custom changes to the original product on your request and you received them
2. You reviewed the product and changed your mind

You agree that upon purchasing our services, you clearly understand and agree what you are purchasing and will not file a fraudulent dispute via any payment provider presented on the website. Upon a fraudulent attempt to file a dispute, claim, unauthorized transaction or chargeback, we grant the right, if necessary, to restrict the use of our services in the future.

In addition, in an attempt of a fraudulent chargeback(s) against our company which may result in penalties from payment provider(s), suspension of our merchant account(s), hold of funds and other losses including lost revenue, we reserve the right to reclaim these losses and expenses from you, through any available legal options.

Have questions?

If you want to ask something or need help, Please contact us.
You can contact us 24/7 via contact form.