F. REL-5-STR-RAT Donations Extension


F. REL-5-STR-RAT Donations is leading donation extension for Joomla. It allows you to collect donors information and get donation(one-time and recurring) from them through over 40 online payment gateways such as Paypal, Authorize.net, Stripe, Mollie, PayU, Square etc.

I red terms and conditions including refund policy and privacy policy and I agree to all of them.

If you need a donation solution for your site, look no further. Main features:
βœ” Support both one-time and recurring donation
βœ” Unlimited Donation Campaigns Supported
β˜… This feature is optional. You don't need to use it if you only want to have simple donation form.
β˜… You can set GOAL, START DATE, END DATE and description for each campaign.
β˜… You can track how much money each campaign has received.
β˜… There is also nice thermometer to show the progress of each campaign
β˜… Each campaign can have it own pre-defined amounts
β˜… Each campaign can have it own Paypal account
β˜… For each campaign, you can set the donation type which it accepts: One-time, recurring or Both (default is Both)

βœ” Flexible Custom fields on Donation Form
β˜… Integrate Joomla account registration (optional)
β˜… Show/hide, change ordering any fields on donation form
β˜… You can change, translate the message and the title of the fields on donation form to meet your need.
β˜… Create custom fields (Text, Textarea, Radio, Dropdown, Checkboxes list, Datetime....) to collect more information of donors if needed
β˜… Each campaign can has it's own set of custom fields
β˜… Allow donors to donate by choosing from one of pre-defined amounts or enter any donation amount they want.
β˜… Allow anonymous donation.
β˜… Allow donors to choose the currency they want for their donation